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Bilbao, located in northern Spain, is a city that seamlessly combines Basque tradition with stunning modernity. Nestled along the banks of the Nervión River, the city is renowned for its cutting-edge architecture, with the Guggenheim Museum being its crowning jewel. Designed by Frank Gehry, this architectural masterpiece houses a world-class collection of contemporary art. But Bilbao is more than just its iconic museum. The city boasts a charming Old Town, known as the Casco Viejo, where you can meander through narrow cobblestone streets, savor pintxos in traditional bars, and immerse yourself in Basque culture. Additionally, the La Ribera Market, one of the largest in Europe, is the perfect place to sample local cuisine and purchase fresh products.

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Bilbao's local cuisine is a culinary adventure that showcases the rich flavors and traditions of the Basque Country. From mouthwatering pintxos to hearty seafood dishes, here's a taste of what you can savor in Bilbao:
Pintxos: Bilbao is renowned for its pintxos, the Basque version of tapas. Head to the bustling Casco Viejo district to explore the myriad pintxos bars. These delectable small bites are often served on bread and range from classics like tortilla española to creative gourmet options.
Bacalao a la Vizcaína: This classic Basque dish features salted codfish cooked in a rich tomato and red pepper sauce. It's a flavorful and hearty choice that embodies the region's culinary heritage.
Marmitako: A traditional Basque fisherman's stew, marmitako is a comforting dish made with tuna, potatoes, onions, and peppers. The combination of flavors and the hearty nature of the stew make it a must-try.
Txangurro: This delicacy consists of crab meat mixed with onions, red peppers, and a savory sauce, often served in crab shells. It's a delightful seafood treat that showcases the region's coastal bounty.
Chuletón de Buey: For meat lovers, the chuletón de buey is a succulent T-bone steak, often served rare and seasoned to perfection. It's a carnivore's delight and a Basque specialty.
Idiazabal Cheese: Basque country is known for its cheese, and Idiazabal cheese is a standout. This firm and flavorful sheep's milk cheese is often served with quince paste or membrillo.
Basque Cider: Visit a traditional Basque cider house or "sagardotegi" to savor the local cider. Pair it with a hearty Basque meal, including a cod omelet and a grilled T-bone steak.
Gâteau Basque: For dessert, indulge in gâteau Basque, a delectable pastry filled with either cherry preserves or a creamy almond filling. It's a sweet ending to your Basque culinary journey.
Basque Seafood: Bilbao's proximity to the Bay of Biscay means that seafood is a prominent part of the local cuisine. Sample fresh catches of the day, including hake, anchovies, and squid, prepared in various delicious ways.
Piquillos Rellenos: These small, sweet red peppers are often stuffed with a mixture of ground meat, creating a delightful blend of flavors and textures.
Don't forget to pair your Basque dishes with local wines like Txakoli and Rioja. Bilbao's food scene is not just a meal; it's an experience, and sampling these local delights is a journey into the heart of Basque culinary traditions.

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